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Honduras - Finca El Caiman, Jaime Ventura

Honduras - Finca El Caiman, Jaime Ventura

Regular price $19.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.00 USD
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Jaime Ventura owns a 3-hectare farm where 2.5 hectares are planted with coffee.

Located at 1750 masl in the Santa Elena municipality of the La Paz department, this

is an ideal area for coffee production. La Paz is known for high elevations and cool

temperatures which cause coffees to ripen slowly, developing natural

sugars.Ventura got started in coffee through his grandmother and his father

inherited the family's passion for coffee cultivation. In 1990 his father began learning

about pulping coffee to sell it as parchment. Mr. Jaime also learned from his father.

They slept in caves during the coffee harvest season, primarily in December,

because their home was several kilometers from the farm. They transported

themselves and the coffee on horses for approximately 2 hours and then took a

vehicle to bring the coffee on its final leg to Marcala. La Finca el Caimán was

founded in 2002 in a community that bears the same name. It began as a family

inheritance to his wife of a plot of uncultivated land. Together they decided to plant

coffee on that land due to its altitude and excellent climate for coffee cultivation. To

obtain capital, he and his wife decided to sell a small calf they had seen born on 

their property. This sale allowed them to do the first work to begin planting the first

coffee plants.Ventura's coffee is typically picked and left without depulping to dry in

the sun for about 20 days.


Region: La Paz

Altitude: 1200-1700 MASL

Varieties: Catuai

Processing: Natural

Roast level: As dark as we've done!

Tasting Notes: grapefruit, black tea, oak

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